untitled (55 of 91)

recording piano

untitled (60 of 91)

inside the control room with the engineer, Mr. Jonathan Treeby

untitled (47 of 92)

recording harp

untitled (80 of 92)

harp teacher, Melissa Stockstill Wiggins, giving tips

untitled (64 of 92)

eager listeners in the control room

untitled (84 of 92)

Deborah in the studio with her harp teacher, Mom, and friend

DebTreebys2 copy

Deborah with the Treeby family of JT Studios

Image 4

Deborah with her piano students


Ms. Donna Hopkins, Deborah's second piano teacher

Image 3

Dr. Richard Webb, Deborah's organ teacher


2011 Sewanee Summer Music Festival harpists


2011 Sewanee Summer Music Festival harp instructor, Marian Shaffer
